Friday, June 10, 2011

Six posts in a row! (not counting the weekend) On Monday, I saved a list of goals for this week and, though I'm a little afraid to look at what I've missed, this is at least one thing checked off.

Lordy, I have been having an off week.  I'm calling it emotional week, and though I am on my period (TMI? ok, it won't go live on the "Real Blog") I do have things to be bothered about, they're just hitting me extra hard, and maybe I've just crumbled under the weight of trying to stand up to life a little more and straighten some things out.  My 'strive' directive will not fall, but I'm bound be stressed every now and then -until I get used to being an 'awake' person.  Chalk it up to growing pains.
It started with confirming Kurt's drug addiction, the argument that was based on him getting his pills but had under the guise of I'm a bad/difficult/miserable person,  getting a confusing invite to Theresa's baby shower and coming to the conclusion that I wouldn't go after getting really excited to go, getting the zombie face from Kurt all week and continually having what I guess amounts to an anxiety attack over the inevitable withdrawal he will put me and Kara through, missing my brother, feeling guilty and finally this morning sending him a depressed weirdo email that I haven't gotten a response to yet, Robin being ridiculous, bitchy and intolerable, I was a little teary yesterday at work, and this morning had an actual little cry (which may not be 'all out' yet) and realized during my work walk that music is painful to listen to.
I'll be glad when my period is over.  It's the little things.

Yoga.  Maybe I need more.  I've been trying to get myself to look into more yoga while I'm at work and do a pose or some sun salutions once in a while behind the server racks.  But somehow I get sucked into the computer screen for most of the day and end up with a sore neck and hip flexors(<- seriously becoming a problem) and a eye-headache.
I found this workout on Pinterest and I like the way it's explained and love the pictures. (I especially love the backdrop and isn't the top she's wearing cute? love a dropwaist.)

I also love this tutorial on sun salutations.  I came across it a long time ago and actually tracked it down recently.  I would love to take a class with this woman.

Hopefully a happy, lovey, centering weekend.  Doin' it for my little girl. (We have plans for the library and finally flying her ladybug kite, she's been talking about that ladybug for weeks, poor thing.)
Oh, and Happy BDay L-Dog.  I vowed I wouldn't but I just opened my mouth and asked Kurt to invite her over for dinner: Cornflake Chicken, which I've been dreaming of wowing her with for months(ugh, why do I care?) and cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.  I just set myself up don't I?  Strive, strive, strive. 

Update: Ladybug Kite Flying was awesome! KB amazes me every day with what she is able, willing and insisting on doing, and she had such a great time.  Pulled off L-Dogs little BDay dinner pretty well, I think she was happy (and exclaimed over the Cornflake Chicken: mission accoplished) -and KB helped her blow out candles!

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