Friday, June 17, 2011

Learning a Second (or Third or...) Language

I've always thought how cool it would be to know a second language, to pick up books and magazines, feeling like you're in on something.  Or to turn on the TV and watch a 'futbol' game or even those fascinatingly ultra-dramatic soap operas where the actors are so intense and usually screaming at each other (or getting slapped!).  Or to read a book or some poetry in the language it was composed.
And what a great example to set as a mother! Not to mention the bonus of putting in your resume...

So I'm starting with Spanish.  I never really was into Spanish in high school, never gave it the respect that perhaps would have motivated me, though I later became obsessed with learning Italian.  (And though I'm proud that I was able to ask for directions back to my hotel in Rome, I was completely lost when the explanation came back to me.)  I realize I actually do know a lot of Spanish (thank you Dora) and fluency may be more attainable than I think...

50 Spanish words I already know: (I'll double check these at some point. Getting confused with Italian is pretty inevitable)
Hola! (duh)
ayudame! (help me)
para (stop)
azul (blue)
1-10 (I'll just count these as one)
rojo (red)
aranja(sp) (orange, color and fruit)
amarillo (yellow)
perro (dog)
claro (of course)
hombre (man)
abuela (grandmother)
estrella (star)
lechuza (owl)
libro (book)
numero (number)
piso (floor)
casa (house)
camera (room)
comida (meal)
bonita (beautiful)
verde (green)
flore (flower(s))
agua (water)
cabeza (head)
loco (crazy) (I'm starting to draw a blank, haha!)
pantalones (pants. love saying this.)
chamisa (shirt)
zapatos (shoes)
ventana (window)
abre (open)
boca (mouth)
vamanos (let's go)
hambre (hungry)
tengo (I have)
soy (I am)
blanca (white)
negro (black)
colores (colors)
gracias (thank you)
salud (bless you)
bueno (good)
noche (night)
dia (day)
todo (all)
mas (more)
nombre (name)
miel (honey)
rosa (rose, pink)
playa (beach)
gato (cat)
grande (big)
pequito (small)

Update: Ok, so I think I hit 50, but just let it be known, this took me almost 24 hours and I'm not even sure they're all right.  I have a long road to fluency -HA!

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