Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Good Day/Bad Day

I can't decide if I'm having a good day or a bad day.
The computer I use at work got taken away yesterday -IT discovered that it had malware- and I wasn't able to do a second post.  Or anything else.  I was a little disturbed to discover that not only do I depend quite a bit on the internet for maintaining mental stability at work, but I also have a lot of files, personal files, on this particular computer.  I should be using a jump drive. -To-do! (Though 'the fear' may make it advisable to keep it at work) But I got a lot of reading done yesterday and perhaps a little more exersising than I would have otherwise.  Its always good to 'unplug', even if you can't really see why.
So, the computer didn't come back until today, almost noon.  Again, I got a lot of reading done this morning and my neck and shoulders aren't in as much pain as they usually are by now.  I'm examining the positive, but I still feel like I'm behind.  And I was reminided of how hard it is to have a conversation (if you can call it that) with Robin.
I saw F -talking to a woman- in the hallway- and made eye contact -he gave me his revised little wave- which is good, cause I wanted to see him; but bad, because nothing can come of it -but heartache and frustration and napalm-style life-shattering disaster- and it makes me annoyed with myself.  Or I will be once the high of seeing him subsides. Haha.
I forgot my phone, never good.  I had taken pictures from a magazine of different things I liked and thought a post about that might be neat... but, no.
I have yoga tonight, good, but I never feel great about leaving my daughter and I have plans to leave her tomorrow again before bedtime when I go have dinner with my brother.
Robin cut her lunchbreak short, which is so irritating anyway, but even more so today because I was going to try and finally have myself some 'movie-time' at work.  I guess I can always do it with the headphones on, surreptitiously.
Another bad-day thing is I put the movie in -The Royal Tenenbaums, got out my Raisinets and the sound isn't working.  At all.  I couldn't figure out in the short time Robin was gone why and will probably have to mention it to someone -pain in the ass plus less computer time.  What may be a good thing is that the movie is visually stunning, which I knew, but have been gloriously reminded of.

So what do you think? Good day? Bad day? Not so bad day?

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