Monday, June 13, 2011

Goals for the Week

I've been caught up all morning in the 'internets', pinteresting, catching up on my favorite blogs, blog surfing, online window shopping.  My shoulders are a little achy and I'm a little skittery about all the things I haven't done yet today and all the things I want to blog about (i.e. getting organized as a blog topic and it's tough to blog without being organized.) and get my mind clear about what needs to be done.

Really like Woody Allen movies.  After seeing this pic on one of my favorite Jordan Ferney blogs, I realized that Uncle Dave, who I decided a while ago deserves a Dad's day card from now on, has quite a bit of Woody Allen in him.  On the to-do list goes, planning out Father's Day.  I like to let people know they're appreciated, specifically Steve and Uncle Dave -enter built in national holiday- and I don't want to let anyone down, specifically Kurt and my Dad, but that's really about them being the two over-sensitive types on the Dad's day list.  My Dad has been helpful monetarily the last two family get-together's we've had, including helping pay a great portion of the restaurant bill for the going-away party for Lisa that I masterminded, which I really appreciated since I know he's not exactly job-stable lately and I know things are hard for him in that way -but when I thanked him he did make a point to say, "Well. Don't forget it." So. Dad will get a nice card and his dinner paid for.  Kurt already hinted at needing new work boots and hair trimmers. So. Yeah. And, Kurt and I had a conversation this weekend where he tried to say he didn't want to spend his father's day out with my family.  Similar to how I didn't particularly want to spend my mother's day out with his friends at a bar, or with his mom at his sister's in the morning, or even with my family at mexican restaurant.  But. I did. So.  He will, and hopefully I won't hear anything else(unwarranted bitching and complaining) about it.

Speaking of Woody Allen, there's a line in Sliding Doors (one of my favorite movies, oddly enough) where gp says to her insecure-lying-jerk-moron-in-a-panic boyfriend, "Allright! There's no need to get all Woody Allen about it!' On the list, undone from last week's list is: watch a movie at work.  (Piecemeal if need be.)

Next on the to-do list is purging and putting in some time towards organizing my picture files, especially here at work.  Things need to be easier to find and browse through if I'm ever going to get to that 'real blog'.

And speaking of  'real blog' I need to learn how to credit images.  Should be simple enough and needs to be done.  I have my own ideas about what needs to be -known- before blogging, but a general look-up would be helpful in giving me confidence to just take the plunge.

Next on the list, reappearing weekly to no avail, is to POST TO CRAIGSLIST. sheesh.

Last for now is to quickly get K's percocet bottle collection off my phone.  Scary.

Have lunch, talk with Steve. ( The email.)

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