Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dumping Ground

I'm extremely annoyed with Kurt for a handful of reasons this morning, starting with and exacerbated by my lack of sleep, which is 94% his fault.  When Kurt takes pills, the kind he is -I'll say it here- hopelessly addicted to, he not only is upredictably moody -He's up! Uh-oh, lookout! he's down!- but he twitches in his sleep.  Last night was unbearable it was almost constant for hours and hours on end -I'm thinking he may be more exhausted that I am. So the twitching specifically last night and the pillhead thing in general, then the lack of financial responsibility. Texting to remind me of that daycare is due, then thinking I'm going to call Comcast and put it on the card.

The 6% was me settling down into my pillow indulging in a fantasy of the fantasy.  ...

I'm going to use this little space to get it all out of system(hopefully).  List/paraphrase everything I ever heard him say, every interaction we ever had(all three, maybe six if you count his little waves).
So. Yeah this should be fun. I actually had this idea yesterday and had gotten to a point this morning where maybe I could have begun to let go.  It's painful, it's not conducive to healthy mental or emotional growth and it's sucking energy that I could be using to help me reach my personal goals and goals as a mother...  I got to work and felt beaten by the 'story' I had conceived and was tired anyway... But then I went to put my food in the refridgerator and I saw him, in I guess what was 'dress down' clothes(I think he has off on Fridays), a trend-graphic print gray t-shirt and jeans and some sort of longish beaded necklace.
He looked animated as I went to walk by him, waiting for the elevator.  He saw me and got excited and went to give me a high-five. ! Always catching me off-guard with his exuberance, this guy.  And I had just been thinking, sadly, how nice it would be to be a part of someone's life who greeted  me with such exuberance.  I high-fived him awkwardly, and laughed.  "what?!" or was "sorry!! I'm in a good mood!" "Well, that's good!" I said, laughing. Then, as I walked pass him and the elevator, I heard him say, "come on! dude, I've been waiting forever!" and saw the blonde haired lady/girl (mid-thirties, a little more on her later) walking to meet him, probably for breakfast in the cafeteria.
The first time I remember was when I was walking at my previously usual breakneck speed, intently focused on some pressing task taking up space in my head.  Since the 'incident' with mr.weirdo my tendency to keep my head down, avoid eye contact and stay away from people, while trying to be polite, nice and smile kindly -but not enough to allow too much of an opening for conversation- has gone from 'introverted characteristic' to an all-out rule.  So I saw that there was someone behind me head towards the door to the stairwell, but he was far enough back for me to not feel obliged to hold the door... I would have been standing there for what would have been an awkward amount of time, making whoever I was being so kind for think that I wanted to talk.  So the door slammed.  I headed down.  It opened with its notorious squeak and he says, teasing, "thanks for holding that door!" Something like that.  So I feel a little bad, maybe more embarrassed, for a pang, a split second later I realize that its a guy and he's probably doing some flirt teasing of the 'little pretty girl' who may be charmed by that bullshit. (being fucked with is not fun, and being the fucker does not make you cute.except that in this case...)  I do my notorious(well, not, but I know the faces I make to seem animated in social situations) "Oh! I'm soorry!" he laughs, I laugh. What a ... Leave me alone, I was thinking at the time. I don't have time for this, and its crap.
Two other times: I can't remember which one came before or after, which I think would be important... Kara was sick, I had been called down to get her and was talking on the phone urgently to Kurt (who, it is important to know is still jealous, distrustful and resentful -been tip-toeing around that broken glass for a year and a half now) I knew guy was in front of me on the stairwell, but I was trying to sort something urgent, important and daughter-related out on the phone.  When I neared the bottom guy must have turned around, maybe his friends had pointed me out? (I'm wondering about some of his friends, what do they say?) "THERE SHE IS!!!" In what I have come to know is his exuberant way, so loud, in front of a lot of people.  How do you have the lack of inhibition to do something like that? (I don't know if I'm horrified or more in appreciative awe.) I was on the phone with Kurt and stomach twisting skin tingling dread washed over me.  Had he heard that? I tried to cover it up "hold on people are talking really loud i can"t hear you" and i was astonished that he didn"t notice the "loud excited< happy to see me guy who I had hurried past, without making eye contact, pretending to ignore the whole bizarre situation.  (I mean, what really was going on there? What would have been a normal reaction to that?) I was resigned to feeling angry about that, about what could have happened and how awful it could have turned out and how could someone act so inappropriately?  But I’m wondering, thinking probably, he got the embarrassment of the situation and feels bad.  He was noticeably more subdued and until this morning has never been close to that exuberant since. The other: I was making tea, and came up alongside the counter and picked up my mug and said “Tea for me?” teasing. “Yeah!” I breathed and smiled.
And another time in the stairwell (before the shouting stairwell incident?), to his friends as we are heading up sort of together in our line, “So long to the third floor?! Doesn’t it seem like it takes a much longer time to get to the third floor?!!”
Then, the little, smileless, waist high waves, (like we were once friends who don’t really keep in touch anymore).  Hearbreakingly obviously subdued. This is what got me.  This is when I started thinking about the stairwell incident and wondering how he was feeling.
Before or after I noticed the little waves, I’m not sure, was the riding in the elevator with Kara.  Now, this would have seemed hugely momentous to me. (Here’s the kid. You will love us.) But then it didn’t even register.  “This is your daughter?” he had said. “Yes, this is Kara…” Again, way more subdued afterward.  Probably the realization that with a young child, I must be in a relationship.
Then, sort of recently, I noticed the blonde woman.  Walking with him a couple times, then leaning against the balcony (to me, this seems very public) I overheard her telling him something that may have been about an ex seeing his kids, “I just wish he would …with them…” He was making a really odd face: like overly animated concern.  And gave me one of his ‘little waves’ when I walked past.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Naming the Issue

I think my antsy-giddy sleeplessness (feeling lovesick and daydreaming about passionate kisses) has just as much to do with an irrational-based on nothing-teenage style crush on 'Frank' as it does starting (grand opening commencement of) my public blog.  It means a lot to me I guess.  In an almost subconscious way I am aware of the possibilities doing this could bring -and how much it would mean to my daughter, and me!  Just trying this is a big step, and I guess that it what is keeping me up when I wake in the wee hours of the morning -that I am taking a big step.  The beginning of something.  I feel like last week I had reached a plateau and then promptly fell off in a downward spiral.  I knew, not how, that I would break out of it and gather momentum again, but in a different way.  Positivity has many facets, as positivity in and of itself can be difficult to buy into.  I have my own little brand of cynical optimism that you don't read about in the secret and other self-help books.

So that's it, I'm taking a big step.  I think I thought of a http name: thepleasantvilleproject.  It makes sense to me -drives home why I'm doing all this, sort of commemorates where I'm starting and I like the name Pleasantville (the irony, but also that it could be a fun design name...kitschy, playful).

The name itself will no doubt change and be a process of settling in...  I got nuthin' right now, I'll like something for a few minutes, then hate it.

This reminds of the Batman Movies the dark mood

Some findings I'm loving from this morning (trying this joannacoffee style):
(Pics aren't loading... swans from rosaline's this is glamorous blog)
(Pics aren't loading... Avocado and Smashed White Bean Salad)
For extra flavor, mix some fresh lemon juice and chopped garlic into the bean mixture.
  • And this, (apropos of my blog title) I am finding brilliantly hilarious right now. "The first step is admitting you have a problem."

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Feeling really inspired by a few things found in 'the surf' (<-is this corny? or is it just corny because I put it in quotes and then asked if it was corny?): I had be thinking this morning that I could do a fatherhood post, and thought maybe that would be okay for a first RealBlog post. I've been running into fatherhood musings a lot lately -not sure why, I hadn't been thinking on dad's much or looking for insights and nothing has clicked yet... but... you never know, just keep your eyes open.
This article found yesterday via a blog lost in the ether: Jeff Pearlman's adamant suggestions on CNN. (I'm thinking next father's day print out 1 through 10 and handing them out?)  And, a bit eerily, just this morning Miss Jo's husband got a spot with this to say.  All this precipitated by the lengthy chapter on fatherhood  in this book (I'm still reading it), written by John Gottman, who I can only assume is a SuperDad.
Then there's this...
...which I'm thinking about sending to it to brother Steve, another SuperDad of sorts. (I mentioned that he looked like a hipster with his grown-out -toupee looking don't tell him I said so- hairdoo and this "Your dad was inappropriate before you were" blog falls right in line with the Steve-O persona.)

Then, I found something else I was blog-inspired by: and entire blog called Little Lottie Loves, a sibling of Lottie Loves.  I'm not especially sparked by the blog itself, though I'll read it, but I love the idea and plan to expand upon(upon? on?) it: Children's clothes, interiors and all other related products plus KB events, activities and anecdotes (I'm thinking 'Kara says...or is...') Not as much readership as a general women's interest blog, but I think I would come up against less road blocks and be more inspired and less timid.

Monday, June 27, 2011

The 'Real' Blog

I put myself to the resolution that I would start the 'real' blog, as I've been calling it, today.  And now, to be honest, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed.  After spending some time this weekend with people who may or may not be reading it (but who I'm essentially gearing it towards) I'm not sure if I feel more or less nervous.  I have no 'clean cut' posts from this blog, which means posts I can just copy and paste, all posts have a dose of negativity or oversharing on the personal side.  But there are a few that need only minimal editing and just a little tweaking.
I guess the first thing to do is to just get the new link in...
So, what to do for the first post. Hm. This idea scares me: I could just copy, paste, edit.  But it wouldn't be awesome to have a sort of commemorative first post? And now not doing some sort hoopla bothers me...
One idea is to link over some of my favorites, and talk about how they inspire me. But, I think it may be too early, and a little 'coattails'-ish, to do that yet.  Or I could do something sort of 'in the news' that strikes a chord with me.  Or a yoga commentary post.  Or just a general health-tip kind of post.  I think whatever I do will set the tone of the blog, and maybe I'd like it to.  What to do? ...I have four and half hours to make good.  Going for a walk now.

Its not happening.  I have to think of an address name, which is permanent, which needs to be well thought-out, which has stopped me in my tracks. Having an off day. (Again.) See following post.

More Blog Love

I have not (yet) finished what I set out to do this morning, but I have found a new blog that I am finding interesting and has got me thinking: about being a writer.  This thought train began a long time ago, and was give a turbo chugging dose of coal when my grandmother died and I got to thinking what an amazing life she had.  She was a professional writer.  Made a living, helped raise her children and made herself a name (we, my old peeps and I, used to call them local celebrities).
The Newly Found Blog with carefully and well thought and thiught-provoking posts is called Remarks from Sparks and is written by a 28 year old grad student (writing degree) who still shops at forever21 and happens to also do letterpress.  (Letterpress. Who knew?)
I am realizing not only how important it is to have your voice as a writer, but also how important it is to me to develop and have a voice and really be a writer. Heart wrenching how bad I want this.  Or I may be getting confused over my forlorn feeling-sorry-for-myself state over my latest crush.  Just waiting for someone to confess their undying love and devotion for me.  (I know it was just that "THERE SHE IS!!" day in the stairway.  I mean really who does that? --Oh, he must love me. Apparently just waiting for my next chance to be a fool.  Dumb guy didn't even know me -though he seems to have realized that.  Rode with KB and I in the elevator -done deal).  I just want that kind of enthusiasm to be real -wouldn't it be great to get that sort of attention every day.  I'm a silly, silly girl.  I really do feel lovesick.  Or maybe its just that I haven't really exercised in a while, I'm hungry, I didn't sleep well last night, I don't have anyone to talk to at work and I've been stuck in the computer screen all day.

Friday, June 24, 2011


To head up, an Anouncement:
I do believe that I am ready go public and do a 'real' blog.  Why not? I need to get a round-up of good, consistent posts going, I know what I need to edit and what will work, and after confessing my mastermined plans to my brother, it doesn't seem like that big of a deal.  It doesn't have to be known to the whole family (i.e. L-Dog or Kurt), I just want to get it started with some simple kitschy posts and develop content later.

And speaking of heads, I am a headband fanatic.  I don't wear them all the time (ahem, as much as I would like to -they do not always fit the situation, the outfit, or the grown woman) and 'headband fanatic' does not mean I'm into 'fanatical headbands'.  I am specifically looking into simple, at least somewhat understated, pretty hair jewelry.  Not to be combined with too much other adornments and not to be worn at serious toned prove-your-grown-up-seriousness related activities.

Here are the contenders:
Love the messy-hair pony tail in this one.

This is actually how I, as of now, usually wear headbands.

Love this.  And I know how it will look!

This is actually a long-time Etsy favorite.  I would so rock this. Probably more often than I should.

I'm not sure about this one, but I think with the right outfit and occasion and placed over a 'bit-unkempt' bun, this would be great.

Maybe a little fancy, but again, love the leaves.

This may be a little much, but I can't help it -I like it!

Loving the animal-theme lately, and this is different.

Comes in silver too, which I actually like better (very cute), but love the hair in this photo.

My current favorites are the 'patent' bow at the top, the little twisted bow, and the gold laurel leaf one gathering dust in my etsy favorites.

If I were posting this publicly, I would obliged to provide all image links, mention etsy shop names, number the headbands maybe? and edit the commentary to more cheesy, less self-specific notes.

Lucky May 2011

The Brother Dinner went great, it was so great to sit face to face and have one of our intense, cathartic talks.  I feel so much better.  Not everything was discussed or totally aired out, but I feel like he sort of understands and mostly accepts my situation and how I feel about it.

I love sitting down with new fashion mag, cup of tea... and maybe a little snack.  Heaven.
The mag pics from 'the day the PC got malware':
 Marc Jacobs dress, just so love the stripes and bright colors and the easiness of it.
 This, I think, is a Tory Burch necklace, not totally unaffordable (about $40, says Lucky magazine) and profits go to a good cause.  And I love it.  I love colorful, craft-project style, beads.
 Love everything about this outfit.  I feel like it is something I would actually do... if I had a rooftop party to go to.  Definitely.
 Love this top.  Really into shirts with different shapes right now.  Again, easy.

 I'm passing on these pants. But they are perfect.  Been looking for khaki skinnys to give my skinny jeans a break.
 I love this skirt.  It's out-of-box for me, but I saw on the Canvas website and loved it and then saw it again here and loved it.  Its the orange and khaki color combo and the easy length of the skirt I think.  I wouldn't do it with a button down, though.  The website had the model in a jean jacket which really stopped me in my tracks.
 Wouldn't I so rock this top?! So cute.  Skinny jeans, wide legs, dress pants, jean shorts, khaki shorts, under a blazer or jean jacket.  ...not for $170 I'm not. If I were a DIYer...

Ah, and have we noticed that some pictures are 'laying down'. Ah, yes we have.  I can't right them. Hmm... could this be why not everyone loves blogger?  To be investigated...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Brother Dinner

Dinner at Christie's with the brother tonight, with the major point being to reconnect, catch-up, apologize(gulp) and set some things straight.

  • the mini-human (as he calls my neice, IG)
  • the new girlfriend... it would appear that he is in love
  • court (see first on list)
  • new place?
  • hear from the sister? (L made a big move recently)
  • job (he recently re-started with the fire department)
  • heard from lawyer? (we were in my grandmother's will)
Set Straight
  • I am dealing with Kurt, as is
  • We Do Not talk about the money we're getting to or in front of Kurt. 
  • Kurt thinks you don't like him.  Whether or not this is true, the fact that he thinks this tends to make things difficult.  I am sorry for this, but this is what is true, and life continues.
Apologize (&Thank You)
  • Having IG sleep over on your weekend visits may not be possible. I know this is one of the things that I know lets you down, but i cannot help that. (This may not be discussed tonight, as it is giving pain and anxiety to even think about.)
  • Kurt's recommendation letter
  • Dealing with him in general
  • Being so helpful and willing to be helpful so often and in general, but especially with moving out of mommoms

Recipe: 'Most Wanted' Dressing recipe and Experimenting in lieu of Unaquirable Ingredients

I've been wanting that orange dressing they put on your salad at Japanese restuarants for the longest time.  I've often said they should bottle this, or have considered asking if i could bring some home.  I'd had a feeling that this was something that had to be made fresh and eaten soon after... now I know.

I found a 'neat' and 'pretty' new website, which may soon become a favorite food blog: Scaling Back.  I also love this awesome and different looking treat recipe from this site.

Avocado salad with carrot ginger dressing
adapted from Martha Stewart
Serves 4
  • 2 medium peeled and grated carrots
  • 1 small chopped shallot
  • one 2-inch piece peeled and chopped shallot
  • 2 tablespoons white miso
  • 2 tablespoons rice vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons sesame oil
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 head of bibb lettuce
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 bunch radishes
  • 1 cup edamame
  • Process carrots, shallot, ginger, miso, vinegar, sesame oil and water in a food processor or blender until smooth.
  • With the machine running, slowly add vegetable oil.  Season with salt and pepper.
  • To assemble the salad.  Break up the lettuce and divide among four plates.  Quarter the radishes and add them with the edamame to the salad.  Dice the avocado and scatter over the top.  Drizzle dressing over the top of the salad or serve on the side in a small bowl.
The problem here, besides the double shallot ?misprint is the obscurity ingredient list, obscure for someone who doesn't have a lot of experience in cooking let alone recipe reading.  Specifically, (and here giving full exposure to my duh-ness) I'm wondering about white miso.  Though I've never jumped off the cliff of uncertainty and actually bought miso from the store, I thought it came in a kind of powder that you reconstitute to make soup.  So, am I doing two tablespoons of powder -or paste or bar- or soup?  Could I possibly omit the miso? or find a substitute? Rice vinegar, sesame oil and shallots I don't usually have or get because they're expensive. 
The question is, how bad do I want it? In a world where my boss, my daughter's daycare director, my brother, my boyfriend, my mom (where have you been!) and the current state of my life in general are grating on my nerves and my mind goes back and for between an endless tirade of angry profanity and frustated to tears -pretty bad.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Good Day/Bad Day

I can't decide if I'm having a good day or a bad day.
The computer I use at work got taken away yesterday -IT discovered that it had malware- and I wasn't able to do a second post.  Or anything else.  I was a little disturbed to discover that not only do I depend quite a bit on the internet for maintaining mental stability at work, but I also have a lot of files, personal files, on this particular computer.  I should be using a jump drive. -To-do! (Though 'the fear' may make it advisable to keep it at work) But I got a lot of reading done yesterday and perhaps a little more exersising than I would have otherwise.  Its always good to 'unplug', even if you can't really see why.
So, the computer didn't come back until today, almost noon.  Again, I got a lot of reading done this morning and my neck and shoulders aren't in as much pain as they usually are by now.  I'm examining the positive, but I still feel like I'm behind.  And I was reminided of how hard it is to have a conversation (if you can call it that) with Robin.
I saw F -talking to a woman- in the hallway- and made eye contact -he gave me his revised little wave- which is good, cause I wanted to see him; but bad, because nothing can come of it -but heartache and frustration and napalm-style life-shattering disaster- and it makes me annoyed with myself.  Or I will be once the high of seeing him subsides. Haha.
I forgot my phone, never good.  I had taken pictures from a magazine of different things I liked and thought a post about that might be neat... but, no.
I have yoga tonight, good, but I never feel great about leaving my daughter and I have plans to leave her tomorrow again before bedtime when I go have dinner with my brother.
Robin cut her lunchbreak short, which is so irritating anyway, but even more so today because I was going to try and finally have myself some 'movie-time' at work.  I guess I can always do it with the headphones on, surreptitiously.
Another bad-day thing is I put the movie in -The Royal Tenenbaums, got out my Raisinets and the sound isn't working.  At all.  I couldn't figure out in the short time Robin was gone why and will probably have to mention it to someone -pain in the ass plus less computer time.  What may be a good thing is that the movie is visually stunning, which I knew, but have been gloriously reminded of.

So what do you think? Good day? Bad day? Not so bad day?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Google's idea to give their millions of internet searchers a new 'play' on their homepage is genius as it apparently garners a lot of attention (I think its referred to as the 'google doodle').  Today's really caught me and struck a chord.  I love Murakami's art, perfectly described today by a  member of the Spoonfed Arts Team as, 'sunny, although still slightly weird'.  Though I can't really call myself a fan.  I was obsessed the first time I saw the colorful maniacally happy flowers, determined to own some silly piece of the artists work -this would have to be close to ten years ago now.  But besides the bright flowers and cute-but-odd animals I didn't really follow Takashi Murakami's career. 

Murakami told Interview, "In Japan, there is no high and there is no low. It's all flat." Jeff Howe wrote in Wired that "Murakami likes to flaunt that he can make a million-dollar sculpture and then take the same subject and crank out a bunch of tchotchkes [trinkets]." While his aggressive marketing of his own images and his practice of selling inexpensive knick-knacks alongside his high-priced original works have aroused some controversy in the art world, Murakami sees no reason to change. He told Howe that to him, art is "more about creating goods and selling them than about exhibitions." from

 Bring it, TM.  Love asians. (<--is that okay to say? Yay, Practice blog.)

(an interesting (perplexing, baffling even) interview with Murakami in 2000.  Murakami has a whole philosophy associated with his art, though this is a little bit of narcissistic turn-off when it comes to artists that peak my interest, I have to remember that this guy does have a doctorate, after all.  Hmph. Men.)

Monday, June 20, 2011

New Crush

I was going to put him on the other blog, but as this will remain anon, I will confess (to harmless nothings) here: his name is F. Jimenez, he's pretty dark, an exuberant dork, and just when I was completely annoyed and uninterested (he is obnoxious) he couldn't care less and -of course- I want his attention back.  Him and eminem.  I have issues.  This will fade I'm sure, I just bored.  And frustrated. As usual.  My streak of positivity is over, I just need to wait for another upswing.  It will.  I just need to refocus and gather momentum.

I'm going to try and do two posts a day during the week in the ultimate 'practice' of discipline.

My brother is stressing me out.  Asking Kurt to let me go have dinner with him got me so worked up.  Him asking me to find a place for Isabella to sleep -and get Kurt to go along with that- is stressing me out.  Steve's a guy... which means he is bound to be some type of asshole and I sort of hate him too.  Is just explaining things to him enough? will that work? since the whole idea is for us to be friends? No he has to push.  Which is making me realize that this whole 'let's try to reconnect/be closer' idea of mine is all for naught.  There may be a reason we are drifting apart after all.  'Keep a safe distance' is my go-to motto for everyone except my daughter.

Kurt and did dinner and a movie on Saturday... saw Super 8. ('Sparks' (you know, the date night sparks?) didn't even cross my mind.  But we had a good, no stress, time.)

Kurt woke up early both days this weekend, killing my precious weekend-morning-chill time.  In true paranoid fashion, I'm thinking he may be on to my crack-of-dawn car snooping.  Now that he's out of pills, ha.  He'll get more.

Recipe: Beets

I love my veggies.  But I've never really tried beets and I want to like them so much that I hesitate to try them for fear of having a bad experience.

This beautiful pic (and other great veggie pics) appear in the blog by Kelly Wearstler, whose name I had heard but never knew who or what she does.  Well, now I know, for one thing, an intriguing blog with amazing pictures.

She includes in this recent post an enthusiasm (beets are one of her 'all time' favorites and she starts her day with beet juice concoction) for beets and a recipe that looks like something I could handle.

Roasted Beets
10- 12 small beets
4 cloves of garlic, sliced thin
8 oz. delicious goat cheese
Olive Oil
Corse salt & freshly ground pepper
Fresh thyme, or any fresh herbs you like
Preheat oven to 400 F. Wash the beets well, remove greens and place in an oven-proof dish with garlic. Drizzle with olive oil, salt, pepper and thyme. Cover with foil and roast for about 25 minutes, or until you can easily slice a knife through the beet. When the beets are cool enough to handle, peel and slice into wedges. Toss beets with your favorite greens, fresh herbs, goat cheese and vinaigrette.
½ cup really good olive oil
1 tablespoon minced shallots
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
½ tablespoon lemon zest
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon
Mix shallots, Dijon, lemon zest, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a small mixing bowl. Slowly whisk in olive oil until mixed well.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Learning a Second (or Third or...) Language

I've always thought how cool it would be to know a second language, to pick up books and magazines, feeling like you're in on something.  Or to turn on the TV and watch a 'futbol' game or even those fascinatingly ultra-dramatic soap operas where the actors are so intense and usually screaming at each other (or getting slapped!).  Or to read a book or some poetry in the language it was composed.
And what a great example to set as a mother! Not to mention the bonus of putting in your resume...

So I'm starting with Spanish.  I never really was into Spanish in high school, never gave it the respect that perhaps would have motivated me, though I later became obsessed with learning Italian.  (And though I'm proud that I was able to ask for directions back to my hotel in Rome, I was completely lost when the explanation came back to me.)  I realize I actually do know a lot of Spanish (thank you Dora) and fluency may be more attainable than I think...

50 Spanish words I already know: (I'll double check these at some point. Getting confused with Italian is pretty inevitable)
Hola! (duh)
ayudame! (help me)
para (stop)
azul (blue)
1-10 (I'll just count these as one)
rojo (red)
aranja(sp) (orange, color and fruit)
amarillo (yellow)
perro (dog)
claro (of course)
hombre (man)
abuela (grandmother)
estrella (star)
lechuza (owl)
libro (book)
numero (number)
piso (floor)
casa (house)
camera (room)
comida (meal)
bonita (beautiful)
verde (green)
flore (flower(s))
agua (water)
cabeza (head)
loco (crazy) (I'm starting to draw a blank, haha!)
pantalones (pants. love saying this.)
chamisa (shirt)
zapatos (shoes)
ventana (window)
abre (open)
boca (mouth)
vamanos (let's go)
hambre (hungry)
tengo (I have)
soy (I am)
blanca (white)
negro (black)
colores (colors)
gracias (thank you)
salud (bless you)
bueno (good)
noche (night)
dia (day)
todo (all)
mas (more)
nombre (name)
miel (honey)
rosa (rose, pink)
playa (beach)
gato (cat)
grande (big)
pequito (small)

Update: Ok, so I think I hit 50, but just let it be known, this took me almost 24 hours and I'm not even sure they're all right.  I have a long road to fluency -HA!


I'd like to get into sharing favorite shopping websites -and eventually other sites- that I love and get really excited about.  I think these will be posts that show my energy and, because its shopping, may likely spark interest. 
So, I found a really great shop site that I've been >swooning< over all morning.  Poketo! Their mission statement is 'art for your everyday', which means it has a lot of the uniquely interesting/artsy/functional lifestyle products that I love.  And its somewhat affordable, which I wouldn't bother loving if it wasn't.
Some of my favorite finds:
 Polka dots and stripes! Navy and white! Shark-bite hem!
 Great colors in a unique shape... Haven't tried the dolman or batwing style shape, but I'm think it would go along well with my new 'I'm a mom now' aesthetic.
 This is one of those belts that could make its way up from cotton braided skinny belt = 'fun accessory' to 'necessary basic', which would then justify its purchase possibly be aquired.  This belt was shown with the top above as a waist-cincher, with the tail of the belt tucked and hanging down -so cute.
 This dress is just cute. And colorful. And fun. Ok, yes I would wear it!
 These are those summer scarves that are so light and pretty done perfectly and affordably.  They have a couple different styles.  I would love to do this with a white tank and simple, dressy shorts or jean shorts with flat sandals.
 This bag is what first clinched this site as 'awesome'.  Perfect size and pocket details for functionality: cell phone & keys in the front, a book inside (which for me means a large book -and not just one- plus whatever other crap I feel a need to carry around), a crossbody strap and cute colors and stitching details make it adorable and cool.  The coral is great, but I think I want the blue one. Guaranteed I'll be lusting after this bag for weeks.
Guatamalan, 'ethically'(?) handmade 'Chi Chi' necklaces in red, orange and blue.  They come in hued strands of three and I definitely want the blue one.  I would so rock this.

Thanks Poketo!

These type of stores make me think that maybe I could have a shop, probably an online shop (but wouldn't it be great to have a real shop somewhere like Smithville?!) where I could 'curate' a range of different products that I love and want to endorse. Hmm... ways to shake my moneymaker.

Thursday, June 16, 2011



I give a lot of credit to these bloggers who do a lot of beautiful, sensible, easy to follow and fun to look at product collages, because they are not easy.

Getting a good pair of sunglasses has been on my mind lately, and for a while I sure I would pull the trigger on a pair of pricey, 'real deal' Ray Bans, after I finally decided on tortiose (1) rather than classic black (2).  But as I continue to put away savings for that epic day when I will sign for a better home for KB, I have decided that the cute $10 jobbies I found at Marshall's will more than do. 
But I can look right? Just a little torture of shopping lust will keep me motivated right?
I love the shape of the new wayfarer, and this (3) faded blue style with faded lenses even is just. Awesome.
Which brings me to the 'clubhouse' style which, if I win the lottery and classic basics are accounted for, these funky white ones (4) from anthropologie are adorable.
Here's (5) an inexpensive stand-in from kohls for my tortoise-shell fetish, and these pink floral guys (6) I saw and tried on, and even though I thought they were adorable and they were on sale for $10, I didn't get them.  I remember thinking, I have my basic, that's all I need, I would rather be $10 richer. Only I haven't stopped thinking about them.

Daytrip Shades -, $28
Sunglasses, $17
Sunglasses, $12
Ray-Ban ray ban shades, $170 Ray-Ban RB2132 New Wayfarer Sunglasses: Shoes, $90 Ray-Ban RB2132 New Wayfarer Sunglasses: Shoes, $90

Beginner's Sun Salutation Pictorial

Kurt's out of percocets.  The bottle in his car is empty and I didn't see any anywhere else. what happens now?  I plan on studying his withdrawal.  And staying calm, remembering that he has an illness and it is not my responsibility to get him to stop eating pills (or to stop being a pothead). As I said in the email to my brother (who I really should call) "It Is What It Is." 

That being said, I'm putting together my favorite 'beginner's sun salutation guide' from MBV, my homegirl.

 Right now, I'm doing what I think must be the ultimate beginner's version, which is: go straight from plank to your belly on an exhale, then to modified cobra with the next inhale.

I truly love yoga, and I'm so grateful to have taken that beginner's class last year and to have the chance to do the classes that I can now.  'Develop a Home Practice' is high on the list of things to do.  A lot of the other things I would like to do/accomplish hinge on the sense of self and calm that yoga helps me with.

images via Chi blog, and 'Chi blog favorite' goes to Margaret Burns Vap (aka my homegirl)

I hear a MBV blog post calling from the distance... {hello!..}. {{hello!}}

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Little Table

I followed a link from A Cup of Jo and landed in another land -filled with inspiring pictures and unintelligible language.  I am fascinated by this little tablespace, and my question is: what goes on here?  Being the inhabitor of tiny spaces while trying to raise a family, this photo is saturated with a believable-ness that I love.  An oddly tiny table with three seats around it, showing a breakfast set-up?! I would love to have an informal loungey breakfast here with someone and I can picture Karabear and myself here hunched over homework or maybe some sort of craft project.
And my second question is: what language is this? I'm going to guess dutch... and moving 'learn another language' up on my to-do list. 

Familiens samtalekøkken

er knap 10 m², men Rie Elise Larsen insisterer trods dets beskedne størrelse på at kalde det et samtalekøkken. Det er nemlig altid her, gæsterne står, når parret laver mad, og det er også tit her, hele familien ender med at sidde til måltiderne. En Ikea-taburet er malet knaldorange, mens den blå taburet med pude er fra Grønlykke. Tehætte og papirlampeskærm er fra Rie Elise Larsens egen kollektion.

Wishlist: Marais shoes

Shoes | Marais USA

Shoes | Marais USA (clipped to
I have no idea how this picutre got here, I just meant to clip this picture to the website, but I'm not unhappy that it is.  Wow, I have a lot to learn. Thank goodness for practice.  I've been eyeing these up for a while, ever since somebody -can't remember who right now, but probably one of my trifecta favorites- had Marais espadrilles -also jonesing for- on her blog a couple months ago.  Love these: the bows, the cap toe, the perfect go-with-everything neutral combo, the mary-jane buckle, the dressy flatness.  I'm wondering how they fit and look on and how difficult returns are in case of an unfortunate disaster, i.e. they don't look nearly as cute as they do in pictures.

K and I took the day off yesterday to go with Kara's daycare to Storybook Land.  Worth it I believe, hanging out with her friends outside of daycare is big with Kara, and she had a lot of fun, running around hand in hand with her 'bestie' Ana, seeing a lot of her other friends (spent most of the day with Ana and Sydney, but we also hung out with Joey and saw Rory and Jack, Sarai, and Addie, showing off her idependence -these are the kind of childhood memories I want to help create.  And K and I had fun seeing Kara so happy, spending extra quality time with her and meeting and hanging out with Ana's parents.  K -little social butterfly that he is- actually got Vitali's, Ana's father, number and talked about having a dinner date together.  Which makes me nervous, especially since I do really like them.  K seems like a nice interesting fellow at first, but when you get the full-K experience you find he is riddled with negativity.  Something I don't want to inflict on other people, especially people we don't know and especially good, intelligent, family minded people.  But I'll go along with this -in the interest of developing positive experiences if not more 'evidence' that we need to separate because of him-, my knuckles white from gripping the seat.
Btw, I have more percocet pictures that I'm not sure how to put up.  Mr. Wonderful has quite a collection of pill bottles and doesn't seem very interested in hiding them. I guess they'll just go here.  For safekeeping.
Speaking of wild rides, I went on the 'Twirling Turtle' rides -Ana's idea- and felt nauseous the rest of the day. I like that I can push through things like that for the greater good.

These I found Monday morning: