Friday, May 27, 2011

Jacki's Summer Reading List

Joke title, since this will be a list of books that have been on my ‘to-do’ list for a year –some more! :

Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child This book caught my eye as I was looking through Amazon.  The whole emotional intelligence theory has always intrigued and inspired me.  I feel that this, educating myself on emotional intelligence, is where I could focus my development in most helpful way.  I have this book, I’m about a third of the way through it, and it’s a library book –though I really would love my own copy, as this is one of those books with so much good advice and great articulation of ideas that are so important that I’m sure I’ll find myself wanting to go back to it.

“The Secret” again.  This book (and movie) was such a revelation to me the first time I happened upon it, that I really want to hone in on what it offers, as well as pick apart what its affect on me has been.  There are places to dig deeper, where should I start?  Re-reading this is never a bad idea.  Imagine yourself positive.  (I would also really like to watch the movie again… DAD?!!)

Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook I’ve had this for so long, I bought it after I borrowed it from Millie for months.  This would be so beneficial for me.  More like a project than a read: it would be a great execise to track progress and fill out some of the questionares in the book. A well-done book.

Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness K was seeing therapist at one point (a high point, in my opinion, though any period of therapy is life enhancing) and he recommended this book to him.  This is another one of those ‘revelation’ books for me.  I never finished it, but I’m fascinated.  So unarguably beneficial.  I bought a used copy on Amazon, then ordered another newer edition from Borders.

Principles of Success I need to memorize these.  When I read this a few years ago I was in such a good, motivated, inspired place.  I want to get back there.  A well done self-help book, I think (though I haven’t read all that many).

Three Cups of Tea  My grandmother read this, then recommended it and gave me her copy a few months before she passed away.  That is reason alone to read it.  She enjoyed historical fiction and memoirs such as this.  For her, there was always an underdog to route for, a cause to care about.  Her house is sold as of this morning. 

The Kite Runner  My sister’s recommendation and she lent me her copy months ago.  This book was buzzing around a few years ago, I remember my water aerobics class exclaiming over it… I’ve read about three chapters and I can’t seem to get back to it. 

Note to self: READ.  You’re a reader.  It’s always been your thing, your go-to enjoyment.  What’s going on here? READ!!

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